Saturday, December 19, 2009

Where I'm going and Why you matter!

I recognize that I will need lots of help to accomplish this challenge. I lack the knowledge and experience to even chart a reasonable course. The saying, "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I have to learn" applies.

Things I know I need to learn about as of right now:
  1. The classes of boats in the race, pros and cons of each, and which ones appeal to me 
  2. Choosing a boat to aim for, and what I can get a hold of and handle now
  3. How to paddle properly, how to roll a kayak, if that's what I'm in
  4. Where to train (what body of water, and where indoors in the winter? Our reservoirs tend to freeze over)
  5. Best cross training for this? Should I just do what I love, or is there something even more effective I should try?
  6. groups or clubs with other paddlers for feedback, training partners, maybe a coach
  7. online resources, magazines, books to read
These are the things I hope to clarify this winter so that I'm ready to train once the waters have thawed (Am I forgetting anything?). During this cold, dark time I'll work on waking up my body to activity again: Pilates, tai chi, snowshoeing, bouldering. (I love tai chi. Check out where I was lucky enough to study for a year under Grand Master Pui Chan)

There is no one right way to proceed. The trick will be finding the right way for me: the formula that fits my life, my body, my family, my personality. And what works once might not work a few months later.  Your input on things will be instrumental, since I expect my readership to be vastly more knowledgeable than a single person could hope to be. I hope you will offer what you know, enjoy what we discover together, and stay with me across the finish line.

Meanwhile, I'll be posting not just these findings, but each month I'll feature a book, an interview, my confessional (the exercise log), and an inspiring story (mine and other people's). I'll also update how things are going on the family front in balancing my project with family life (the goal being that an enthusiastic husband and kids are waiting at the finish line and even want to go for a paddle sometimes).

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