Monday, December 7, 2009

Getting my Butt in Gear (GBG!)

Ah, life.

I had my ideas about the general flow of postings, but then life happened.

So it goes.

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For the month of December, I'm going to set modest goals, which are still a huge improvement over the great, big NOTHING that has been my exercise routine so far.

I have a three-pronged attack:

1. Bouldering at The Spot one day a week with my husband, our baby and a friend: We'll trade off holding the babe while we each get a nice anaerobic workout. When we're all exhausted, we end with a little slacklining to improve our balance. (The toddler stays with the grandparents that night)

2. Rec Center on Grandparent days or evenings off from hubby: On days the toddler is with the Folks, I give the baby to them or my husband, depending on the situation, and jet to the rec center for a couple of hours. I hope to do this at least once a week, hopefully twice.

3. Family Outings: Hiking, biking, or snowshoeing for at least an hour on weekends. If not, a yoga video for me on the sly.

I'm trying to create four realistic opportunities per week with the goal of accomplishing three of them. I'll keep a log of my activity and post it at the end of the month.

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