Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The weather is warming up more these days, and I have to find a routine to keep my cardio fitness up in the place of skate skiing now that the season ended this weekend. Here are the ideas I'm bouncing around right now, and need to shore up this week and this month:

1. I got a free rowing machine off of Freecycle that I'm sticking in the basement. I'm giving it a month to see if I am able to get myself to use it. If not, I post it back on Freecycle for someones else to decorate with.

2. I found someone who might lend me her 17' sea kayak to train in for this season. I have to check in with her. It's been hard to find water I can use at 6 am, but I found that the Arvada Reservoir is open at 6:30 am and is agreeable to my plan... Boulder Reservoir is not open that early until the end of May. That's more than 6 weeks out. Too long! I'll get solid answers this week and make my plans.

3. It's bike time! The cars need to be put away for the summer now, and I am back to biking the kids around for our errands and commuting. That's about 40 miles a week pulling 100 lbs of children and gear.

4. Tai chi and chi gung: I'm still doing tai chi, and we've been learning some chi gung that is pretty subtle and leaves me very sore. Great thing to do in the mornings when not paddling or if I wuss out on the rowing machine.

New challenges: My in-laws are going to be gone for the next three months. My husband is working without pay trying to get his business going. So we have no income coming in, little savings, and now no help with the kids for a while. I will have precious little free time to myself, and no extra money to throw at work-out options. I have to be creative. Early morning workouts are key, and "free" is the word of choice!

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