Friday, February 19, 2010

Stories from the Dark Side

Sleep deprivation is fascinating.

I adore my babies. They are, as one woman put it, my heart, living outside my body. And yet...

After three days of less than 3 hours sleep in a row each night, I couldn't keep track of how many kids I had. If they were not both in front of me, with me looking right at them, I would lose count. And there are only two.

I wisely decided to avoid errand running and stayed home.

At one point, I remembered I had a baby somewhere, and in a panic, set out around the house to find him. He was happily playing in his high chair, where I had put him at some point.

Later, I was startled to discover my daughter coming up the stairs from the basement- I'd forgotten she was home- I thought maybe she was with the grandparents.

Lastly, I walked into a room to get something, and startled myself upon realizing I had two kids in the next room. Honestly.

I felt like the sheep Douglas Adams describes, which are startled each morning by the rising sun, and again by the green stuff under their feet. Every day.

I was able to get 6 consecutive hours of sleep last night- it was like winning lottery. I've been in a good mood today, even if very busy still chasing the aspiring mountaineer. I'm going to bed tonight before 9pm hoping I'll get to do it again.

I hope I'm never that tired again. If I am, I'm calling in the cavalry (in-laws). They were sick, too, and couldn't help this time. I really hope there's never a 'next time' for this level of ineptitude.

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